I've been thinking about this for awhile. The saying nice guys finish last. This is such a true statement to alot of women. I wanna know why do we like the bad guys the wrong guys always win our heart. We walk past those good guys the ones their mothers raised right. They do everything right like take care of their children regardless if they are with the mother or not. They pay child support without being told by "THE MAN". They even take care of other men children like their own, pay their bills and sometimes yours.
On the other hand those bad guy girls fall and girls fall hard. We could careless if they take care of their children, if they have a job or hustle, if they come and see you let along spend some quality time with you. These men you want them to change and become the good guy, but we know deep inside they will never be a good guy so we settle. WHY?
I say when you're in your 20's its ok to figure out what type of guy goes with your personality. Its ok to figure out what you will tolerate and not. What goals you will have as a single person and a couple. In your 30's you should have those bad guys out of your system and working on getting to know a good guy to settle down with. We women are very confused in what we want in our lives, but as we get older we do know that its not the guys with there pants hanging off there butts. We don't want a guy that doesn't have a career set up and not doing right by his family.
I've had the pleasure of meeting a great guy well great man when I was in my late 20's. He is all that and then some I mean this man is a great great did I say great man? Lol yes he is that guy that had a child, and did right by his child. He paid his mother support every other week without having "THE MAN" in his business and telling him what he was suppose to do like take care of his child. He helped me when I needed help and loved my children as his own. I'm the luckiest woman in the world because he made me his Wife.
WE want that Good Guy so he didn't finish last, he was the turtle not the rabbit. He got there right on time when we needed him.
So ladies as I said before the good guys never finish last.
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